Tides ebb and currents change, but our commitment to making clean water accessible to all is as steady as a stream of cold, clear (you guessed it) water.
With World Water Day 2022 occurring this week, we have exciting news about last year’s efforts and this year’s event.
But First, Thank You
Customers are at the heart of Well Woven’s culture of giving back. Last year, we pledged 5% of proceeds on World Water Day and a portion of sales on Giving Tuesday to clean water initiatives. Customer participation enabled Well Woven to make a large donation to charity: water. Thank you!
Malawi is one of Africa's most densely populated and least developed countries. Most people live in rural areas where water is scarce. As a result, many women and children spend hours of their day walking to collect it. The construction of new water systems will help bring water closer to them and save time.
Last Year’s Donation, Today
We are pleased to announce that our funds help sponsor 2 clean water projects:
🌐 the building of 10 new wells in Malawi
🌐 the construction of multiple piped water systems in Madagascar
With each water system supporting approximately 20 individuals for up to 15 years, hundreds of people will soon gain access to clean, safe drinking water as a result of these projects.
What does progress look like at this stage? Partners of charity: water are busy on the ground obtaining construction permits, purchasing supplies, and collaborating with community members. These steps are key to creating access that genuinely serves its communities.
For the next 6-12 months, the projects will continue to pick up pace and charity: water's partners will work even more closely with the local governments and water service operators to break ground and effectively implement these water systems.
We will continue to monitor the projects and will share updates as we receive them.

A sample overhead view of all the equipment needed to construct these water projects.
Why Water
Before we flow into this year’s event, a word on why we care about water.
Did you know? More than 711 million people (or approximately one out of every ten people) live without access to clean water. To put that into perspective, that's more than twice the current U.S. population living without a basic life need (source).
With charity: water, we're on a mission to help bring clean water to every person living without it because as long as there's a world water crisis, there will be poverty and disadvantaged.
Clean water changes communities. The positive effects of access to clean, safe drinking water are huge and multifaceted. They go far beyond thirst-quenching:
🌐 health benefits due to a reduced potential to contract water-borne disease which kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war (source).
🌐 education access for youth, especially girls, who see a 15% increase in school enrollment when provided with access to clean water (source).
🌐 women gain more opportunities to start businesses, improve their homes, and take charge of their own futures
🌐 more time is given back to the community to grow food, earn an income, and go to school – all of which combat poverty
Well Woven chooses charity: water because 100% of the donations funnel into clean water projects, and we receive transparent updates on real impact and insights along the way.

2022 World Water ̶D̶a̶y̶ Week
This year, we are honoring World Water Day 2022 all week by donating 5% of proceeds to charity: water. Shop Well Woven from March 23rd through March 28th to participate.
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