Contemporary Rugs

Contemporary Rugs


Discovering the Beauty of Contemporary Rugs

Contemporary rugs are a testament to the harmonious fusion of art and functionality. Their designs often encompass a wide range of aesthetics, allowing homeowners to choose from abstract patterns that evoke emotion, geometric designs that play with space, minimalist creations that embody simplicity, and even nature-inspired motifs that bring the outdoors inside. You'll also find contemporary area rugs with subtle nods to classic motifs, transforming timeless patterns into contemporary masterpieces. This blend of old and new offers a sense of familiarity while inviting a refreshing twist. Every contemporary rug choice reflects a personal narrative that contributes to the overall feel of the room.

About Well Woven Contemporary Rugs

Well Woven takes pride in offering affordable contemporary rugs designed with families in mind. Our rugs are crafted to withstand the rigors of daily life, making them a durable and practical choice for households. Additionally, we prioritize easy maintenance, with many of our contemporary rugs featuring stain-resistant materials and designs that are simple to clean, ensuring that your area rugs remain both stylish and functional for years to come.

At Well Woven, you can find a variety of contemporary rugs designed to suit different decor styles and preferences. Featuring abstract, geometric designs, and rich color combinations, they're the perfect addition to enhance your decor. Whether you're embracing a modern theme or seeking a unique statement piece in your contemporary space, there's a contemporary rug in our collection perfect for your space.

Selecting the Best Contemporary Rug

Choosing the right modern area rug involves considering the room's purpose, existing decor, and personal style. Opt for larger rug sizes to anchor furniture, and don't shy away from experimenting with modern rug shapes like runner or contemporary round rugs. Pay attention to color palettes and patterns that complement your space. Remember, a well-chosen contemporary rug can be the focal point or the supporting star of your design story.

Rug Size: When it comes to sizing contemporary rugs, the right rug size can make all the difference in achieving a balanced room. Let's explore some popular rug sizes and how they can enhance different spaces.

Large Contemporary Rugs

Contemporary rugs 8x10 or larger, including 9x12 contemporary area rugs, are versatile choices that often serve as the focal point of a room. Placed under a table or seating arrangement in the living room or dining room, these modern rugs creates a cohesive anchor that unifies your furniture ensemble.

Small Contemporary Rugs

For smaller spaces like kids' bedrooms or home offices, small rugs, like 5x7 contemporary area rugs, become the canvas upon which your design narrative unfolds. This size rug allows you to define compact zones within larger layouts while adding an inviting layer of comfort.

Contemporary Runner Rug

Contemporary rug runners are designed to optimize narrow spaces, adding both aesthetics and functionality. Placed in hallways or entryways, it guides the eye and creates a welcoming pathway. To maintain balance, make sure the accent runner rug aligns with the length of the space, leaving equal floor space on either side.

Rug Style: There is a range of modern and contemporary rug styles to explore. Contemporary abstract rugs seamlessly blend various design elements, textures, and colors to create dynamic pieces that complement today's aesthetics, defying traditional boundaries. On the other hand, Contemporary geometric rugs infuse timeless geometric motifs like lattice and triangle prints with contemporary hues and design approaches to offer a fresh take on classic elegance. And, our favorite contemporary shag rugs combine the inviting comfort of plush textures with a nod to both vintage and modern sensibilities, adding a touch of luxury and coziness all over the home.

Rug Color: When it comes to selecting colors of your contemporary rugs, there are just as many choices! While a contemporary black and white rug becomes a captivating centerpiece, simple black contemporary rugs create a bold focal point, adding opulence to the room. On the other hand, a blue contemporary rug, infuses the room in a sense of tranquility. However, the most important factor is that the colors of your Well Woven contemporary rug make you feel at home.

Contemporary Rug Placement

Modern and contemporary rugs can be used in many areas of the home. Popular placements include:

In living rooms: Adding a contemporary rug to the living room can be a transformative design decision, elevating the entire ambiance of the space. From abstract designs to contemporary living room rugs with subtle neutrals, find the perfect piece that makes a bold statement or complements your existing style.

In kitchens: Kitchens are no longer just utilitarian spaces; they've become hubs of creativity and connection. A well-chosen contemporary kitchen rug can add warmth underfoot, introduce a pop of color, and even delineate specific areas within an open kitchen layout. Choose durable materials that can withstand spills while enhancing your culinary haven.

Outdoors: Outside, contemporary rugs step beyond conventional boundaries, extending your interior style to outdoor spaces. They help define zones for relaxation, entertainment, and dining while withstanding the elements on your patio or deck. Extend the comfort of home outdoors with a contemporary outdoor rug.

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