Oriental Rugs

Oriental Rugs


Discovering the Beauty of Oriental Rugs

Oriental rugs are rugs that originate from Asia, particularly the Middle East and Central Asia. These rugs are renowned for their intricate designs, rich colors, and high-quality craftsmanship. Their timeless beauty and enduring appeal make Oriental rugs a popular choice for homes with traditional or contemporary home decor.

About Well Woven Oriental Rugs

Well Woven takes pride in offering affordably priced Oriental rugs designed with families in mind. Our oriental area rugs are crafted to withstand the rigors of daily life, making them a durable and practical choice for households. Additionally, we prioritize easy maintenance, with many of our Oriental style area rugs featuring stain-resistant materials and designs that are simple to clean, ensuring that your area rug remains both stylish and functional for years to come.

At Well Woven, you can find a variety of Oriental rugs designed to suit different decor styles and preferences. From red Oriental rugs to Blue oriental rugs, our collection includes various colors to match your interior. Additionally, we offer Oriental rugs in a variety of sizes--ranging from extra large, like 8x10 and 9x12, to smaller area rugs, such as Oriental runner rugs, so you can bring your favorite Oriental style to every area of your home. Whether you're looking for a cozy addition to your living room or a stylish accent for a bedroom, Well Woven's Oriental rug collection provides a range of options to elevate your space.

Choosing the Best Oriental Rug

Oriental area rugs come in a myriad of sizes, patterns, and rug colors. Keep the next points in mind when shopping for new Oriental rugs.

Rug Style: The beauty of Oriental rugs is that they are offered in a range of rug patterns and styles. Pick a modern Oriental rug with an all-over floral pattern or Abbasi design to bring a refreshed feeling to your living room. Or, choose a rug with repeat medallions to make a larger center statement. Whichever rug style you choose, there's an Oriental rug to suit your taste and home decor.

Rug Size: Oriental area rugs are available in a range of sizes to cater to diverse design needs. In larger spaces like living rooms, opt for a large rug, like a 9x12 or 8x10 Oriental rug, that is wide enough to fit under the main furniture pieces, like the sofa and coffee table, with a few inches of rug extending beyond these pieces to create a unified and cozy look. In the bedroom, the bed size you have will dictate which rug size you will need. 8x10 and 7x10 Oriental Rugs can easily cover the central floor area beneath a queen or full bed, adding a touch of comfort and style to the room without overwhelming the space. Alternatively, two Oriental runner rugs on either side of the bed can create an equally as comfortable and inviting look.If you're looking for a dining room rug,select an Oriental style area rug that is large enough to accommodate the dining table and chairs when they are pulled out, ensuring that the rug extends beyond the table to create a visually pleasing and well-proportioned dining area. 5x7, 6x9 and round Oriental rugs tend to work well in these spaces.

Rug Color: Oriental rugs come in a diverse range of colors to suit various interior styles and preferences. Red Oriental Rugs offer a striking contrast and an essence of warmth, while Blue Oriental Rugs, provide a cool, dramatic look. Additional popular rug colors include black, pink, and green oriental rugs. Whether you're aiming for a classic, vibrant, or tranquil atmosphere, there's an Oriental rug color that can help you achieve your desired aesthetic.

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